This baked coconut shrimp recipe is a yummy appetizer that's great for a last minute meal when you have unexpected…
Top your salad of crunchy veggies, spinach and Asian-style sesame dressing with blackened shrimp to prepare this delicious healthy dish.…
Fresh shrimp should be cooked briefly to avoid a rubbery texture. If you don't have skewers, add the raw shrimp…
What else says "party" like these zesty shrimp and vegetable kabobs? You can use chicken instead of shrimp. Tip: soak…
The rice acts as a gentle diuretic and provides fiber together with the vegetables. Shrimp are an excellent source of…
***3 Points*** Ingredients: 1 lb (450g) shrimp, shelled and deveined 2 + 1 tablespoons olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced…