Here's a very tasty and easy to make fat-free and sugar-free treat! If you find the pumpkin flavor too strong,…
Here's a very quick, easy and healthy side dish recipe for all cauliflower lovers. It's zero points per serving! Weight…
The roasted peppers and the olive oil with the garlic on top of a cracker is the perfect combination. You…
This shrimp balls recipe is an easy to make appetizer that can be very popular at cocktail parties. But be…
Cabbage soup is probably the most famous (and loved) diet recipe. It is easy to prepare, tasty, filling, nutritious, and…
These beet chips make a wonderful (and pretty!) snack. They are a much healthier alternative to potato chips or all…
A perfect side dish for your figure: no fat, no calories and a great boost for your metabolism coming from…
Pico de gallo (literal meaning: rooster's beak) is a traditional Mexican uncooked dish made from chopped tomatoes, white onion, and…
Weight Watchers Curtido Salvadorean Coleslaw recipe Makes 6 servings Ingredients 1 medium head of cabbage, chopped 1 small onion, sliced…
I love using this light, low-fat dressing on my salads. It's a very healthy and tasty alternative to mayo or…
Weight Watchers Low Fat Stuffed Strawberries recipe Makes 12 servings Ingredients 1 lb fresh strawberries 2 1/2 teaspoons Splenda sugar…
Creating a Weight Watchers crustless strawberry pie is a breeze with fresh strawberries, making it a quick and easy summertime…
Weight Watchers Asian Marinated Asparagus recipe Makes 4 servings Ingredients 1 lb asparagus spears 2 tablespoons lite soy sauce 1/4…
Here's a great 0 point recipe for all you salad lovers! This salad has a very nice mix of flavors…