What a quick and easy snack recipe, and what a spectacular result! You can prepare this in just 5 minutes.…
Arroz con pollo (rice with chicken) is a traditional Mexican dish, also popular in Spain, Puerto Rico and the Dominican…
Here's a nice recipe for those who love lime. You can use cod, flounder, or any firm white fish for…
This is a great appetizer or side dish recipe that you can make for holiday parties. Just make sure you…
Another Mexican recipe for you - this time a beef enchilada casserole. Yes, I know, it has 12 points, but…
This Mexican hot cocoa recipe is perfect for cold winter evenings - just try it, and you'll fall in love…
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip from the time of the Aztecs. In addition to avocados, the basic ingredients are lime…
If you like spicy foods, then you should definitely try this hot Mexican cornbread recipe! Weight Watchers Hot Mexican Cornbread…
A quesadilla is a Mexican dish that consists of various ingredients (usually cheese, but sometimes also meat, mushrooms, scrambled eggs,…
Chimichanga is a deep-fried burrito that is common in Tex-Mex and other Southwestern U.S. cuisine. The origin of this dish…